Sunday, September 20, 2009

its funny cause its true

I've been awake and at it for hours now.
and somewhere
you're probably still sleeping.

I had this thought while riding my bike through the city today and it made me laugh so hard that I choked and almost fell ass over tea kettle*
I could explain further, but I think it's fair to say that you've been getting a whole lotta secret thoughts and truths from me lately. More than I would normally send spilling into the atmosphere.
plus this here. it's for me too. future me. grown up me. mommy me.
in case this elephant brain fails me. I'll know what I mean. that's enough, and for you this is words to read, like the newspaper over breakfast. does it really matter what it says?

I got mega lost today on my bike. which turned my leisure ride through the city, into a 2 and a half hour search for my way back. well I suppose the first half hour I knew where I was. crossing bridges is a bad idea.
my internal compass is bust. (I need a new one, made of ink and imagination)
Last night I was supposed to go to see some more BFF screenings, but I feel asleep on the couch at about 10 (I know right) and kinda sorta slept all the way to this morning**
I could very easily fall asleep right now and wake just in time for Anthony to show up, but I have this overwhelming craving for a hamburger, so I'm gonna pretty myself up and head to my almost work place and eat and then watch the final 2 programs at BFF. Original plan was to hit the after party tonight since I skipped Friday and slept through last night, but I've been struck down with lameness and will likely just come home to sleep. I don't want to go and scare it off again, since it's decided to give me a second chance.

I'm trying to stop. but I've been listening to Use Somebody all day. sometimes this version
how do you like that for some truth,

this post, possible proof that boredom + lack of human contact destroys more brain cells than alcohol + pot.

* this gem of an expression stolen from the lovely and talented Krista Martin
** did I mention that Thursday I didn't sleep at all? like me falling asleep at 10 pm Friday was really me going to bed after waking up on Thursday morning. I mean...

1 comment:

  1. "and for you this is words to read, like the newspaper over breakfast. does it really matter what it says?"

    - it matters more than any headline could ever.
