Thursday, August 27, 2009


So I don't know how it started, this me not sleeping thing, but it's gotten out of hand.
There's no need for me to see 2 am every night/morning.
Last night I went to bed at 9 and tossed and turned, read, watched tv, coloured, stretched, tried to meditate, prayed, and lay in silence with my eyes closed for 5 hours.
Granted I end up sleeping until about noon everyday so I'm getting more than a sufficient amount of sleep, just not good sleep. I could continue and rant and rave about how i've managed to lose almost 50 Euro this past week thanks to bad luck being strapped to my ankle.
But I won't. negative energy attracts negative things and I refuse to let it get a hold of me.
Tomorrow morning it's me on a train to Vienna spending the weekend at Wombats Hostel (in a 6 person dorm) where they're having a big party to celebrate their 10th Anniversary on Saturday.
Tuesday I'm moving into the apartment that I've subleted for September and going to see Inglorious Bastards (IN ENGLISH!!) and to look for some work.

In other news, can you believe its almost September?! the summer must have happened while I was sleeping.

If you've got some time, send some good vibes my way and maybe some sleeping powder?

p.s. Rach, you're my life idol...knock 'em dead.

1 comment:

  1. if you're still not sleeping, valerian root is a great natural aid!!
    in other news... i love you.
