Yesterday was a day just like any other, in Paris...
walking around, looking at shit, oooing and awwing
took a break from the sun in a park under some trees.
some dude sits next to me, asks if I speak french. I do, kinda.
random conversation between longer stretches of silence. The whole time in my head i'm thinking : whatever, just get up and walk away, it's not mean.
Dude then asks if I want to sit somewhere and have a drink
I politely decline.
he asks why?
I say I wanna keep exploring the city
he insists to walk with me
me: uh sure
we walk
he asks if I want to see some animals
takes me to a pet shop (side note- they sell chipmunks as pets in Paris 58 euro)
we move on
asks if I would like to take a boat tour, he'll pay
I politely decline
we walk
he asks if he can hold my hand.
I politely decline
we walk
take a break in a park
I have a smoke
he asks if I want to lie down
I politely decline
he tries to make out with me
I tell him I have to go
and then I ran away...
(this all took place in about a 20 minute period)
go back to my hotel, it's been a long and now somewhat strange day
watch the carol hendricks show (
am inspired to get some wine and cheese (also disturbed at how much bacteria is probably in my face cream)
go to a cafe across the street, order a pitcher of wine and a cheese plate.
sit and people watch. ease drop on conversations in french and german
This older man sits at the table next to me. chats with the ladies to his right (the ones speaking french and german)
I'm almost done my pitcher, about 2 hours later (I didn't realize I was ordering so much) glad that my hotel is across the street, glad that they kept bringing me free baskets of bread.
Man next to me asks if I speak french. I do kinda
we make small talk,
he asks if i'd like another glass
I politely decline
he orders one anyway
he tells me about his life. used to make clothes, for 30 years, now he owns a cafe/tabacc shop.
proudly shows me pictures on his iphone
chez sam - he's sam
waiter brings my bill
Sam takes it from me
I politely decline
he takes it anyway
shows me pictures of his tomatoe garden
and a baby bird that fell into his lap the other day
guy comes buy selling roses
Sam asks which one I want
I politely decline
he buys me a white one
asks if I want a tour of des Champs-Élysées
I politely decline, say its late and I need to go to bed (it's 11pm)
he smiles and tells me it's been a pleasure
I go back to my hotel and eventually fall into a wine induced coma
wake up this morning - see the rose...
Yesterday was a day unlike any other
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