Monday, November 30, 2009

one of us is gonna be here and
one of us is gonna be running

while my outsides are aching
my insides are buzzing
bubbling, leaking out to keep from exploding

even in this state of mush and congestion
I'm inspired and ecstatic

possibilities and enegry running through my veins
past the combating cells
on a wave of it's own

catch me if you can

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

second star to the right and straight on till morning

the reflection in the mirror today had a lot to say this "morning"
I'm closer to 30 than 20
recovering from a night of drinking and rocking home at 4:30 is not possible with 5 hours of sleep and weeks of malnutrition and lack of exercise (side from food stair runs)
I mean, you know you're out of shape when the simple task of reenacting the "cool rider" scene from Grease 2 leaves you sore for days.

grander efforts at self maintenance need to be put into effect pronto.

step one: buy (healthy) food
step two: eat food
step three: stop walking the sun home from the bar

it's a start...

in the meantime, anyone know the cure for jaundice?

Mama is back for 2 days!!!
it's gonna be all kinds of dress shopping, Christmas market strolling, Glühwein/Punsch drinking, makeover, movie watching, cuddling, giggling, goodness.

I haven't changed coordinates in weeks, but somehow I'm farther from home

Saturday, November 14, 2009

If you were starting to wonder....

...where that sucking sound was coming from, it turns out it's from my fingertips.
holy blog suck batman

I'm just saying, so you don't have to.

Travel stories, right.
well. this is really the best I can do,
Eurotrip Cliffsnotes:

We started in Munich,
Oktoberfest is just like the CNE only with big beer halls and people dressed in dirndls and lederhosen. We went at about Noon, drank a stein (1litre) and a bit of beer and I was in bed passed out by 6pm. nuff said?
Munich doesn't have much in the way of awe inspiring monuments, they have the Rathaus-Glockenspiel which would have been mighty impressive in 1908, but in this day and age of in- your- face- holy- shit- did- you -just -see -that technology it's kind of a snoozefest, the building itself looks amazing at night when it's all lit up and magical.

Our Second Day we went to the town of Dachau to the Concentration Camp Memorial Site it was this really miserable grey day, which put you right into the place. The kind of place you could spend hours just sinking into, going through a revolving door of emotions, pathetic efforts to imagine yourself in the bare feet of the prisoners that suffered and died there for over 10 years. It's unreal and unimaginable even standing in the middle of it.

We took the overnight train from Munich to Firenze (Florence)
here's a piece of solid advice, when taking a night train, spend the extra money and get a cabin with bunks so that you can actually sleep on the 9 hour ride, rather than sit up awkwardly and have to listen to strangers use outdoor voices to get to know eachother until the sun comes up.
Arriving in Florence was an absolute highlight of the trip, we got in at 6:30 am and took a taxi through the city as the sun came up. Everything was covered in goldust. After we dropped our bags at the hotel we roamed the streets and watched the city wake up, this is the kind of place that seems to have been unaffected by time, it's weathered and aged, but still maintains the integrity on which it was built, narrow cobblestone streets, markets, churches and the best gelato of all time.
other highlights: The David, Birth of Venus, View from the Piazzale Michelangelo.

We did a day trip to Pisa while we were there, it's worth it, not so much for the tower, or the food but for the combination of history.

I'd go into detail about stuff, but I could never do it justice, I wouldn't know where to start or stop, it would be painfully long-winded and completely amateur.
Here's something you won't see for yourself or read about on wikipedia, on the train ride to Pisa, I fell asleep, as I do on any moving vechicle, that I myself am not driving. I woke up at one point to hear shouting in Italian, it was a sob filled yellethon. I realized that it was a girl on the phone and I could only understand her saying "no" over and over again, sometimes with a comanding tone, and other times as a plea. I turned around to see who was causing this dramatic interlude just as the girl hung up and chucked her phone out of the train window.
It was pretty much all I could talk about for days.

Rome is Rome,
Amazing, jam packed with history and religion.
The first day we stumbled upon the top of the Spanish Steps just in time to see the sunset over Rome
Day 2- Saw the Pope, ya...the biggie, he says "what's up, and keep on keeping on"

as you can tell, I'm fading. this was never gonna be an all in one go anyway.
aka: To Be Continued

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I don't suppose lying in bed listen to the cure will help

I have a cold
and it double sucks cause I'm supposed to go going out with some friends tonight, and since this has been a rare occasion in the last few months, I'm telling this cold to shove it and find a new carrier.
I actually have a million things to do today, which is clearly why I'm here blogging rather than doing.
The sun is out right now, and in case you're wondering, that's big news.

daily dilemma(s)
- I feel pooey and don't want to crawl out of these pajamas
- I need to take out money from the bank, but I don't have a clue what my pin might be.
- I'm out of cold medicine and can't yet navigate myself through an Apothecary here

seriously, today I would kill for a corner that was sporting a Shoppers on one side and T-ho's on the other.
On which note, wanna find out how Canadian you are? spend some time somewhere else.

The lovely land ladies, who are currently acting as surrogate mummy's and shoving tea down my raspy throat have convinced me to go out and get some sun and fresh air.

At home cold remedies, when you're out of chicken soup and need to be warmed up in side: Listen to the Swell Season "Strict Joy"

Friday, November 6, 2009

I've got hours on you now

When I wake up
the day after tomorrow
I'll spend 5 extra minutes, stretching out
into my new life

I can't even imagine it
I've been trying
projecting like always
but this is all new

old methods left in borrowed sheets

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Very Merry UnBirthday To You

I didn't forget.
we agreed it was flexible.
that's the beauty of it really. and you.

I hope you remember, and that unconsciously the world treats you extra special.

me, I miss you. I love you. forever and ever.

Happy Happy Happy Birthday.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

That I could stop moving and find me a home

in 3 days, I will be home.
I found a sweet pad that belongs to these rad Bohemian ladies who are off to Brazil for the winter.
it's all of a 15 minute walk to my work. which means no more expensive taxis, night buses, or ladies of the night.
problem 1: moving my ever growing collection of stuff
- which is not a product of my shopping habits, but because my mum brought me a bunch of winter attire.
problem 2: I'll have to find another apartment for March when they get back.

I know I'm still way behind on my travel stories, but they'll come when settled in somewhere warm and quiet.

did I mention it's snowing?

for anyone who's interested in how I feed myself daily, you can check out my work website.
for anyone interested in what I would look like dressed up as a pirate, check out the pics gallery.

Mummy is off to Lienz today. It was a lovely albeit cold 2 days. eating food, drinking wine, butchering languages, and laundry mat showings of Breakfast at Tiffany's.